Mediation is a straightforward, collaborative conversation that aims to quiet the conflict and create customized solutions to the dissolution of relationships. The mediator is a neutral third party who works with families to explore the nature of their conflict and help them resolve family difficulties.
The mediation process is confidential. Couples use mediation to avoid a protracted, expensive, and public court battle. The cost of mediation is generally a more affordable and more efficient use of financial and familial resources than other forms of dissolution of relationships.
Many people assume that mediation cannot be helpful if the level of conflict is significant. However, no intensity of conflict is too high to be helped by mediation. The goal is to create solutions without winning and losing parties. Ideally, couples end in a place where everyone’s needs are met.
Our firm mediates all areas involving families – including parenting plans, child support, custody determinations, spousal maintenance, pre-and post-divorce relationship conflict, equitable distribution of assets and debts, and all the various factors involved in dissolving marital partnerships.
At the end of the mediation process, the agreed upon terms are incorporated into a formal Settlement Agreement. Any final terms, (divorce, custody, parenting plans, etc.) will need to be signed by a Judge. Your mediated agreement will look the same as a litigated or negotiated divorce.
Mediation generally leads to a less contentious, and more child-focused experience and solution then a court-involved process. Mediation tends to lead to better relationships and better compliance than court-imposed agreements.
Mediation Facts:
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